Resident Life Training – Emergency Action Protocols
This safety training for RA's covers:
- Residence Life Buildings & EAA (Emergency Assembly Area) locations
- Reporting a Fire
- According to FEMA
- Campus Fire Statistics
- Evacuation Procedures
- Fire Extinguishing Policy
- Fire Prevention
- Fire Safety Regulations
- Prohibited Items

Youth Programs Training (Events with Minors on Campus)
This is a required training for youth program staff before assuming child welfare responsibilities in a youth program being held at or on property owned or controlled by Old Dominion University.
The training consists of a study of University Policy #3014 and the Minors on Campus Program Training Manual, the completion of the DSS Mandated Reporters: Recognizing and Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect course, and a final cumulative quiz.

Unlicensed Vehicles (Golf Carts, etc.) Training Program
The proper operation of unlicensed electric or gas-powered vehicles (golf carts and gators) is required of all employees, contractors and students who utilize them on the campus of Old Dominion University. This training program is facilitated by the ODU Department of Public Safety.
Unlicensed vehicle safety training includes but is not limited to:
- The policies contained in this program.
- Responsibilities of those involved in the program.
- An introduction to the vehicle's controls and their function.
- Proper conduct for driving the vehicle.
- Steps to take when leaving vehicles unattended.

Handbook for Insurance Coverage and Claims Procedures
ODU's Office for Risk Management handles risk management inquiries and claims for the university.
This PDF handbook is a helpful insurance guide, providing information about:
- Automobile Coverage
- Property Loss Coverage
- General Liability Coverage
- Certificates of Coverage
- University Contracts
- Aggregates
Safe Colleges 12- and 15-Passenger Van Training
Drivers needing to rent 12- and 15- passenger vans first need to take and pass the training provided through the ODU-SafeColleges Online training platform.
Here is the process:
- Click the link to take the 19-minute course: Transportation: 15 Passenger Van Safety (MIDAS login required).
- Following the course, a test is provided and upon passing the test a certificate can be generated.
- Email your certificate to the Office for Risk Management where upon receipt it will be signed and returned to you.
- Then send the signed certificate to ODU Procurement Services to obtain authorization to rent a 12- or 15- passenger van.

State Vehicles, Automobile Coverages & Accident Reporting
This is a training powerpoint presentation that individuals or departments can watch to learn and review the guidelines for driving state vehicles and handling accidents.